Effective Treatments for Alcohol Addiction

Excessive consumption of alcohol can have dramatic consequences on an individual’s life. The initial impact of alcohol is largely physical, however the continuous usage can deteriorate the mental health of an individual. Side effects of alcohol consumption can range from mild to severe

When your loved one is suffering the effects of alcoholism, it can be challenging for the whole family. Watching someone suffer from this disease can be heartbreaking for those closest to them.

Alcohol abuse can have severe effects, ranging from feelings of shame and fear to financial issues. It’s highly suggested that this disease should be treated at as early a stage as possible in order to prevent these effects from escalating. The road to recovery can be a long and arduous journey, especially in the most serious cases. It may require multiple treatments and therapies to treat the condition, and even once a treatment has been “completed” the battle against addiction often continues. The first step on that road to recovery is often finding a Massachusetts alcohol intervention service.

Learn More about Alcohol addiction and alcohol use disorder

In mild cases, lifestyle changes and therapies may be sufficient in overcoming an alcohol dependency. However, there are instances when an individual becomes extremely dependent on alcohol and is unable to overcome the illness on their own. In these cases it is crucial to reach out for help before symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, liver diseases, and digestive problems get out of hand.

Ideally, you should get in touch with a specialist to get proper Massachusetts alcohol intervention service. A specialist will evaluate your medical condition and suggest the ideal treatment plan.

  1. Detox treatment – Alcohol detoxification is one of the first steps of treating alcoholism, and those apprehensive about quitting drinking. After extended abuse of alcohol, detoxification is one of the most important steps. Excessive consumption of alcohol can affect the brain cells and may disrupt the functioning of the brain. In severe cases, an individual may experience severe withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures and powerful hallucinations. Detox helps an individual battle these symptoms and reclaim their life. A person can go through the process of alcohol detoxification in the following two ways:
    • Inpatient – This treatment is often recommended for individuals who are heavy drinkers. People who consume alcohol heavily may require full-time medical care and attention. The patient may have to stay full-time in a hospital or a detox center, where doctors and specialists can take care of them and help the drinker eliminate their habit.
    • Outpatient – The other type of treatment option for detox is an outpatient one. It is similar to the first, however the patient will have to visit the rehab center for treatment regularly instead of staying there. This type of treatment is recommended for individuals who have less severe symptoms.
  2. Medications – There are no medications that will simply cure an alcoholic of their addiction. However, certain drugs may help manage the symptoms of alcoholism and the withdrawal process. For instance, Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate are medicines that healthcare providers often prescribe. These medications help prevent cravings and block the “high” a person gets when drinking. There is a wide variety of medications a healthcare provider may suggest, but ultimately it comes down to the individual deciding they want change and following through on it.
  3. Therapy and Behavioral modification – In some instances, your treatment provider may suggest therapy. Many alcohol rehab centers in Massachusetts often provide alcohol counseling to patients. In some circumstances, alcohol addiction can lead to mental health conditions such as anxiety and/or depression. This frequency is one of the main reasons why therapy is often recommended for recovering alcoholics. A one-on-one session helps a person deal with any issues they may have been using alcohol to avoid, and eventually adapt to a normal lifestyle. A good therapist can also teach effective coping strategies to avoid a future relapse. An equally good alcohol interventionist in Massachusetts will be able to recommend the best next step an addict should take.
  4. Join support groups – The recovery from alcohol addiction is a long and complicated process. You should surround yourself with your loved ones and seek help from support groups, if possible.

In addition to these methods, alcohol addiction treatment inherently requires various lifestyle changes. To rid oneself of unhealthy habits, an individual will have to adopt a healthier lifestyle. It can help to make dietary changes and be more physically active as well. Maintaining a healthy weight and following a balanced diet are some tangential strategies for supporting an overall healthy lifestyle, which in turn can support sobriety.

In severe cases, one should start looking for professional and reputed Massachusetts alcohol intervention service immediately. This is the first step toward determining an ideal treatment plan that will help you control the symptoms. Recovery is not easy and may even take longer than expected. Therefore, you must stay patient and trust the process.

Jim Reidy’s Addiction Treatment Group is a trustworthy place you can call to begin the journey of ridding either yourself or your loved one of an alcohol or drug addiction. With the firsthand experience we have with alcoholism and the effects it can have on a person’s life, we have the knowledge to help you begin the process of recovery. We have helped numerous people begin their journey of recovery, and hope to help many, many more.