Disorder a Disease
In spite of the disease or a choice controversy, most medical associations, including the American Medical Association and the America Society of Addiction Medicine define SUDs as a disease.
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Disorder Indicators
Substance Use Disorder refers to any disorder where an individual is abusing drugs or alcohol. SUDs can range from mild, moderate, to severe disorders.
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Boundaries & Finite Decisions
Anyone who is participating in the intervention should personally reflect on the ways in which they are enabling your loved one’s use.
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The interventionist will direct each person to read their letters, as well as respond to any manipulation tactics or objections that arise.
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about us
Preserving Relations
are the Basis
of Success.
You may be wondering how things have gotten to this point and why this has happened to your family. We want to make it clear that Substance Use Disorders (SUD) do not discriminate and are an equal opportunity destroyer. In America, there are many out there just like your loved one who are battling drug and alcohol use. Each individual case is different in its progression, but there are some contributing factors to the rapid declines.

Consistently giving money to your loved one for any story they come up with. Allowing them to borrow or have money which ends up going towards the use of drugs or alcohol.
Cell Phones
Purchasing your loved one a cellphone and paying the bill, knowing that your loved one is using the cellphone to purchase drugs and alcohol.
If your loved one is using your car or has a car that you are paying for in some way including payments, insurance, or repairs, then you are enabling.
If your loved one is spending all his or her money on drugs, they will look to you to have their other needs met—including food. If you are purchasing his or her food, it can be considered enabling.
Giving them jobs
If you are providing your loved one with a job, paycheck, or even giving him or her odd jobs around your home in exchange for money, this is considered enabling.
Lawyers and Fines
Families also step in and cover the expenses for legal representation and fines in legal situations.
10 years of successfull interventions
Addiction Treatment Group wants to help you and your family understand what is healthy, and what is not in these situations.
customers reviews
this is Catherine
You helped save my sister Amanda’s life in October and I wanted to reach out to say Amanda and her baby are doing great! She completed her program in NJ and is living at home with my parents. Amanda just celebrated 90 days sober. Having her back is the greatest gift ever!! My family can’t thank you enough. Good luck to your Eagles tomorrow 🦅🦅–
Hazrat Inayat Khan
“I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to learn to solve.I asked for prosperity and God gave me a brain and brawn to work.I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome.I asked for love and God gave me people to help.I asked for favours and God gave me opportunities.I received nothing I wanted.I received everything I needed.”~ Hazrat Inayat Khan #sundaymorningvibes #love #faith #hope #God #❤️
This is Jeanine
This is Jeanine . I wanted to circle back with you and share some good news! My son Timmy is thriving, this is a tweet sent out by JW who helped him get a position at Wells Fargo headquarters in Manhattan. He’s working in the financial district- as a financial analyst – and finally applying his business acumen and natural intelligence to doing some great stuff on a team led by a 2004 Villanova graduate. He is staying on his medication for the depression but exercising again and training young kids in the area. He is also helping his brothers with the mental health awareness program on their campuses. T@&@& is truly a miracle, only through the grace of God was this possible – and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of His Plan. ❤️❤️❤️